
5 Ultra Effective Tips for Taking Notes in PASS/LAS

5 Conseils Ultra Efficaces pour Prendre des Notes en PASS/LAS

Taking notes in PASS/LAS may seem tedious, but it is a crucial step to success.

Medical student choice

Here are 5 practical tips to maximize the effectiveness of your note-taking:

1) Prepare before class 📚

Before attending the lecture, familiarize yourself with the course handout. Review relevant chapters to make connections to the new course. This preparation will allow you to better follow the CM.

2) Activate your concentration mode 🎯

Before class begins, get into a focused mindset. Consider every moment in the lecture hall as a learning opportunity. Be prepared to actively note and understand the concepts presented.

3) Note the key points 📝

During the CM, focus on the important words and concepts mentioned by the teacher. Use highlighters or colored pens to highlight crucial points. This will help you when revising later.

4) Revise quickly after class 🔄:

Ideally, take time to review your notes shortly after class. If you write your lessons from scratch, make sure you finish quickly. If you have polys, quickly add the new concepts.

5) Choose the right tools 🛠️

But which ones?? We created a list for you right here!

What equipment is recommended for effective note-taking?

Taking notes is a crucial step in a student's life. To maximize your organization and efficiency, here is the recommended equipment:

Reusable Post-Its 📌

Opt for reusable sticky notes to mark important passages in your textbooks and notes. You can reuse them without creating waste, making them an eco-friendly option.

Reusable notepad 📒

Invest in a reusable notepad. These notebooks allow you to erase and rewrite your notes, which is ideal for minimizing paper waste. Some models even connect to apps for easy scanning.

Quality Pens and Highlighters 🖊️

Use quality pens and highlighters to make your notes more readable and organized. Colors can help prioritize information.

Scanning Applications 📲:

Explore apps like Adobe Scan, CamScanner, or Microsoft Lens to quickly scan your notes. This ensures an electronic backup of your documents, making it easier to access and search for later. An article is dedicated to this subject: the-8-best-free-applications-for-digitizing-notes . Using a notebook to remember better (writing with your hand helps with memory, it's a scientific fact ) then using a scanning application to then have digital access to your notes is the perfect combo in our opinion.


Tablet with Stylus :

If you're a fan of digital note-taking, a tablet with a stylus can be a great investment. You can write, draw and annotate your lessons interactively.

Digital Organizer 🗂️:

Use digital organization apps like Evernote, OneNote, or Notion to group and categorize your notes. These tools make it easier to find and manage your information.

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Les 8 meilleures applications gratuites pour numériser et scanner ses notes
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