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Pourquoi choisir un cahier réutilisable pour votre quotidien ?

Pourquoi choisir un cahier réutilisable pour votre quotidien ?

Dans un monde de plus en plus conscient des enjeux environnementaux, les jeunes actifs cherchent à intégrer des solutions durables dans leur quotidien. Que ce soit au travail ou dans la vie personn...

ProductivitéBooster sa productivité

How to increase your productivity?

Welcome to the fascinating world of scientifically proven effectiveness! If you are looking to exceed your limits and optimize your daily life, you are in the right place. In this article, we'll ex...

EtudiantsPrise de notes en prépa

Taking notes in prep: 5 tips!

Intro: Welcome to the demanding world of prep, where every grade counts! 🎓 This article will guide you through detailed advice to improve your note-taking and optimize your chances of success. N...

EtudiantsPrise de notes lycée

7 Tips for Taking Notes in High School

Ready to boost your skills and make your notebooks more captivating than ever? Hang in there, because here are 7 essential tips to become a pro at taking notes in high scho...

EtudiantsLa méthode de la feuille blanche : révisez intelligemment pour mémoriser

The blank sheet method: revise intelligently to memorize

As exams approach, memorizing course pages can seem like an insurmountable challenge. This is where the blank sheet method or Feynman method, attributed to Richard Feynman, Nobel Prize winner in ph...

Etudiants5 Conseils Ultra Efficaces pour Prendre des Notes en PASS/LAS

5 Ultra Effective Tips for Taking Notes in PASS/LAS

Taking notes in PASS/LAS may seem tedious, but it is a crucial step to success. Here are 5 practical tips to maximize the effectiveness of your note-taking: 1) Prepare before class 📚 ...

Prise de notesLes 8 meilleures applications gratuites pour numériser et scanner ses notes

The 8 best free apps for digitizing and scanning your notes

Are you looking for free apps to digitize notes or scan documents? You are in the right place ! What is complicated is choosing between all the existing ones. So, we have compiled a list for you o...